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pour informer de la nouvelle réalité depuis le 11 mars 2011

URGENT APPEAL to inform on the new reality since March 11, 2011



"A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth."

Albert Einstein

"Le monde est dangereux à vivre. Non pas à cause de ceux qui font le mal,

mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire."

Albert Einstein


"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

George Orwell


"Les hommes répugnent à accepter ce qui est facile à saisir. "

  Henry Miller




Think again, think seven times again before you leap 
and start construction of new nuclear power plants.
Mikhail Gorbachev
June 2006

26 juillet 2011 2 26 /07 /juillet /2011 17:00

MESSAGE de Koichi Ohyama,  membre indépendant du conseil municipal de Minamisoma, dans la Préfecture de Fukushima, qui lance un SOS au monde


Japan Radiation | Koichi Ohyama, member of Minamisoma city council, a voice for the people, a voice of reason

with one comment

This is a transcription of Koichi Ohyama, a member of Minamisoma city council speaking in a Youtube video to Japan and the world, posted July 18, 2011. Minamisoma is a city directly north from Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility, approximately 40 km as the crow flies. Also see my article Recap of soil radiation exceeding Japan’s legal limit | reports from July 2011, for some background on radiation concerns extending even beyond Minamisoma city to Fukushima city which is further away.

His address illustrates again that Japanese citizens are being left in the dark about legitimate radiation concerns. Here’s what he shared:

Hello friends, my name is Koichi Ohyama, an independent member of Minamisoma city council in Fukushima Prefecture.

My town is still suffering from radioactive contamination so sadly, and people are still afraid of ongoing danger of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant which is about 30 km from our city hall. I would like all of you listeners, all residents of Minamisoma and Fukushima Prefecture,a ll of the people in Japan and people of the entire world, to  know what is now happening here in Minamisoma.

On July 8, Mr Katsunobu Sakurai, mayor of Minamisoma, who listed in the electronic edition of the 2011 TIME 100 list, asked city residents, who have been evacuated from 20km through 30 km arch from Fukushima Dai-ichi, to come back to their homes. Then many concerns from the residents are coming to me since then. Their concerns are:


  • Temporary shelters of city-arranged apartments are in the area of high does rates
  • City built temporary school buildings without removing contaminated surface soil
  • Government does not check the dose rates of my well and vegetables of my own ( vegetables not for sale)
  • Dose rate check of my evacuated home and the cleanup of its contmaination is my own responsibility?

I think residents concerns are very reasonable and Mayor should not ask them to come back and Government should not lift Emergency Evacuation Preparation Area, which is 20km through 30 km from Fukushima Dai-ichi before assuring safety.

No detailed information on the safety of 20km through 30km area is provided, so Mayor’s announcement is making a lot of concerns and angry voices among residents. In this situation, as part of my public announcement duty as a member of city council, I decided to provide important information on Minamisoma through Youtube, learning from the example of Mayor.

The most dangerous thing we think is the contamination of plutonium, strontium and all of 31 kinds of radioactive material, officially shown in the table 5 of the report to IAEA from Japanese government on June 6th. Government officially admitted that these materials “flew” from Fukushima Dai-ichi, but they do not survey nor announce where they “landed”.

I directly asked Mayor and Diet members to survey their contamination, but no answers.

In winter time Minamisoma, seasonal strong winds from west high-lands blow up. Part of the high lands are in Iitate village where the dose rates are so high, all residents are requested to evacuate. So if strong winds come from these highly contaminated high-lands, our city will be heavily polluted in winter time again, and if we remove radioactive materials in the city now, we will be contaminated again in the winter.

Also our tap water comes from this high-lands.

Where are these massive amounts of 31 kinds of very dangerous radioactive materials at all? The table and numbers can be viewed in Government’s HP, but no television nor newspapers mention them.

It is unfair at all, Governments and Mayor are not allowed to endanger residents by lifting restricted zone before checking and assuring safety, especially for the health of young people. They are our “Treasure.”

We should not go on to the economic restoration from the nuclear disaster before our life is assured as safe. Parents cannot assure the safety of their children without reliable and responsible safety declaration from Prime Minister, Governor and Mayor, and final assurance and responsibility of safety must firmly be provided from Government.

Now in Minamisoma, people are loosing their protection from contamination just because a long time has passed since March 11th.

They tend to think there will be less risk without ground, no need of masks anymore and sometimes they are in the mid of dangerous dust without protection.
We all must request Government to survey and publicly announce where are the 31 kinds of dangerous radioactive materials from Fukushima Dai-ichi. We must know facts first. After that, we must deal with it. We cannot wait until it is too late for our health and life.

Government and Mayor must not compromise resident’s health and life for the sake of the economy.

Our children’s future is now dependent  on our choice and action. We must be responsible for our health and life of future.

It is so critical now. Please let your neighbors and friends to know this situation and ask for help.

Thank you for your great attention.


Source : http://fukushima.over-blog.fr/article-i-ll-send-an-sos-to-the-world-i-hope-that-someone-gets-my-message-in-a-bottle-80133024.html

source : http://fukushimaupdates.wordpress.com/2011/07/20/koichi-ohyama-member-of-minamisoma-city-council-a-voice-for-the-people-a-voice-of-reason/





While many radioactive cattle have been discovered large distances from Fukushima, what is more important is where their feed is coming from. "It's not only about the radioactive cattle in Fukushima Prefecture; its also about the radioactive straw the cattle eat that was grown elsewhere". Straw found 45 miles from Fukushima is highly contaminated with radioactive cesium, which is an indication that radiation has contaminated large portions of Northern Japan. More than half a million disintegrations per second in a kilogram of straw are comparable to Chernobyl levels. This proves that the American Nuclear Regulatory Commission was correct when it told Americans to evacuate beyond 50 miles and that the Japanese should have done the same. An Ex-Secretariat of Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission blames this contamination on "Black Rain". Rather than minimize the information the Japanese people receive, Gundersen suggests minimizing their radiation exposure."


source : http://www.fairewinds.com/updates


Related Posts
  1. Official: Japanese gov’t withheld radiation forecasts to prevent causing panic (VIDEO) May 2, 2011
  2. TEPCO official reveals there is “little doubt” plutonium has leaked from Fukushima (VIDEO) April 18, 2011
  3. BREAKING: Japan NOT testing for Plutonium in highly radioactive water (VIDEO) March 27, 2011
  4. NBC: Photo of barrels with plutonium-contaminated waste inside plastic tent at Los Alamos ‘Area G’ — “When they assure you there’s nothing to worry about I think I’d be somewhat worried” says former DOE official (VIDEO) July 1, 2011
  5. Japanese media blackout of words: MOX, plutonium, and meltdown June 15, 2011


source : http://enenews.com/it-is-so-critical-now-local-japanese-official-sends-s-o-s-concerning-plutonium-strontium-and-other-radionuclides-video




  1. Report: Peaches in Los Angeles-area found with radiation at more than double site background levels July 12, 2011
  2. Off the Scale: Radiation in No. 1 reactor building exceeds 1,000 millisieverts per hour — Levels too high for Geiger counter to measure May 13, 2011
  3. Report: Air sample in Tokyo 270 times more contaminated with Cesium-137 than global weapons fallout peak (VIDEO) July 18, 2011
  4. Radiation 1,000 times safe levels far outside no-go zone — “Very, very dangerous levels” (VIDEO) June 13, 2011
  5. Report: 50,000+ Bq/kg of radioactive cesium found in soil near Tokyo — “Terrifying” that sample was from side of street where children walk everyday July 13, 2011
Report: 1.68 µSv/hr detected in Canadian rain water sample — Geiger counter display reads “DANGEROUS RADIATION BACKGROUND” 
July 18th, 2011 at 10:43 PM

Source : http://enenews.com/video-1-68-%C2%B5svhr-detected-in-canadian-rain-water-sample-geiger-counter-display-reads-dangerous-radiation-background





source : http://fukushimaupdates.wordpress.com/2011/07/20/koichi-ohyama-member-of-minamisoma-city-council-a-voice-for-the-people-a-voice-of-reason/








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